Raffles Model United Nations (RMUN) is a simulation of the United Nations General Assembly and other UN bodies where students role-play as diplomats and attempt to resolve real-world issues through negotiation and diplomacy. Raffles Christian Group of Schools hosting a MUN competition is a great opportunity for students to learn about international relations, diplomacy, […]
Category: News
Career day and university fair
Raffles Christian School Pondok Indah will be hosting a career day and university fair for its students on 17th February 2023 at RCSPI Multipurpose Hall from 8:30 am to 12 pm. The event will provide an opportunity for students to learn about different career paths and explore options for higher education. The Career day will […]
Raffles Goes To Pintu Elok Orphanage
Christmas is coming and our second term is ending – what better time to show leadership, compassion and goodwill towards those not so fortunate as ourselves. On Saturday 24th November 2018, Mr Satya, Mr Vasu and Pak Didi led the entire Rafflesian leaders’ team from the three campuses, Kelapa Gading, Pondok Indah and Kebon Jeruk: […]
Primary Newsletter
Independence Day 2018
The Pre-primary Independence Day was celebrated by giving the students an overview of the different cultures in different islands of Indonesia, namely Sumatra, Java and Papua. Each island showcased its uniqueness through its food, music, clothing, artistry and its animals, including a brief history of the people who live there and how their way of […]
Learning Journey to Japan
As part of the school’s commitment to nurture Rafflesians to become active and lifelong learners, Raffles Christian School worked together with Meikei school in Japan to give the opportunity for our students to participate in a Summer Immersion Program in Science and Technology at Tsukuba, Japan. Students got the opportunity to explore more about Japanese […]
World Scholars Cup 2018
I think the most memorable part about the trip to Kuala Lumpur was the last night, the reason being is because we talked until 3am, about life, people. In general, just had a deep conversation that I would have never had if it wasn’t for that occasion. Another memorable moment is at the awarding […]
Secondary 1 Learning Journey
In order to further support their interdisciplinary project on recycling waste, the Secondary 1 students went on a learning journey to two different sites. A group of students went to PT. Shinko Teknik Indonesia at Scientia Park to study the process of recycling organic waste into fuel pellets. The other group of students visited Bank […]
Speech Day 2018
Mandarin Story-telling Competition
2018第一届“雅协∙培育”Daan Mogot City杯故事大王比赛 (2018“BKBPM∙Dharma Bangsa” Daan Mogot City Cup Mandarin Story-telling Master Competition) 由雅协及培育三语学校主办,Daan Mogot City赞助的第一届“雅协∙培育”Daan Mogot City杯故事大王比赛于四月七号在雅加达的Swiss-bel Hotel成功举办。此赛旨在推广印尼的中文教育,给本地学生提供一个更有趣的学习中文的机会,激发学生学习中文的积极性,加强学生口语的锻炼和能力。比赛对象为雅加达全市小学学生,分成四组:低龄母语组和非母语组,高龄母语组和非母语组。总共有12所学校参赛,参赛人数高达164名学生。 莱佛士基督学校,Pondok Indah校区,在这一次的讲故事比赛中拿到五个奖项,一个二等奖和四个优胜奖,参与的学生总共有九位。P2C的戎炫昱(Sunny),获得母语组二等奖;P2C的熊穗如(Celine)、陈宣宏(Mathew)、P2A的王冠儒(Kresna)和P5B的姚美丽(Natasya)获得非母语优胜奖。Jang Daniel、白森明(Cherry)、利清(Eva)和赵恩济(Eunje)也参与其中。 这是我校第一次参加校外的中文讲故事比赛,得奖丰富,师生们倍感兴奋。小朋友付出了努力,得到了奖励;没有得到奖项的同学,明年再接再厉。希望大家明年积极参与,得到更多的奖杯,为校争光。