Co-curricular Activity:

CCA at RCS, provides an essential part of our pupils’ holistic development and education. Through our CCA programme, we expose our pupils with variety of CCA options;  express their hobbies and interest; develop and excelling new skills; and extend their interest by discovering different types of CCA.

We offer both sports and non-sports CCA after school hours. The following are the list of CCA that have been running this year:

Sports CCA:

Basketball, Boxing, Futsal, Kids athletics, Gymnastics, Badminton, Tennis, Chess, Taekwondo, and Yoga.

CCA non-sports:

Music ensemble, Art & Craft, Digital Drawing, Smart Farm Adventurer, Modern Dance, Video Editing, S.T.E.M Adventurer, Game Design & Development, English & Theatre Drama, Mandarin Course, Cooking class, RMUN Society, Science club, Raffles English Scholar.