
Were you at Raffles Pondok Indah? As a student, parent or teacher? Our Alumni are scattered all over the world — attending school, entering the work force, developing careers, holding high posts, pursuing dreams – and yet still connected to and curious about their former school and the amazing people they met during their time in Jakarta.

Raffles Christian School keeps in touch with the school’s Alumni – whether you were a student here for a few years or are one of our graduates, whether you worked here or were one of our parents – via our Alumni Program. This growing, mobile community would like to include you, know how and where you are, what you are doing, hear your story or help you get in touch with members of the network of the greater global RCS community.

Our main route of communication is the Raffles Christian School Alumni page where alumni can get in touch with each other, post news and find out about what is going on back in Jakarta. Like our Page and stay in touch.

We hope to hear from you!