In the beginning of the school year, the Lower Primary (Grade 1 – 3) had a successful learning journey where the students get to explore, engage and enrich themselves with various knowledge and life skills.
Learning to cook at Dapur Anak, Kuningan, Jakarta
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“I made a chicken nugget with egg and meat and then I fried it. Then I made a crepe with chocolate, banana and sprinkles. I learned how to make chicken nugget and crepe.”
– Kosuke Watanabe (P1A)
Pat the paddy field at Scientia Park, Tangerang
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“This Learning Journey was held at Scientia park. To get there, all the teachers and students used a school bus. The ride took half an hour. There, I learned how to plant rice. The mud was dirty and my socks got wet. Aside from that, I also fed the Koi fishes with fish pellets. I had a really great time there!”
– Celine Junus (P2C)
Experience Ecotainment at Godong Ijo Asri, Depok
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“On 24 August 2017, I went to Godong Ijo for our Learning Journey. I had an exciting experience. There, I learned about animals such as ostrich, frogs, lizards and snakes. There were also plants such as mosses, hibiscuses, ferns and many more.
I learned how to make a pen holder made of wood and organic materials. I also had a chance to feed the ostrich. It was great learning experience! I was able to learn and have fun at the same time.”
– Joshua Widjaja (P3C)