The long anticipated Independence day celebration began with the flag raising ceremony. The Commander of Ceremony, Stephen Andreas from the class of JC 2A, called the ceremony into order. For a change, the National Ideology and the Reader of the Declaration of Independence were students from the Primary Department. After they finished, the Inspector of Ceremony, Marihot Sitorus, gave them well-deserved recognition for their efforts and soundly reading their respective pieces. The entire ceremony went fluidly with minimal mishaps.
Following a short recess, the school went on to celebrate the International Youth Day with a presentation about the International Youth Day’s history. Then, the students and teachers displayed their collaboration with a skit to portray the role of the youth in the signing of Indonesia’s Declaration of Independence. The student cast were objectively decent, the student and teacher body reacted positively to the three main characters’ performance. While the character portrayed by the teachers were more serious as the older characters, they decided to improvise and provide a bit of comic relief towards the end.
Later on, the campus was buzzing with energy as the students took part in traditional games. Students across all grades were actively competing against their peers to win points and prizes for their respective classes. Friends watched each other tumble and jump in the sack race, cheering their classmates as they tripped and tackled in the Sarung Futsal competition and run around in all the other fun events for the rest of the day.
Written by: Earle Kendric G Echiverri (JC2A)
Picture taken by: Kevin Adriel Suryawarman (JC1B)