Graduation Pre-Primary Students 2023

On the memorable day of June 3rd, 2023, Raffles Christian School Pondok Indah was adorned with excitement as the preprimary graduation ceremony took place in the vibrant auditorium. Families and friends gathered in their finest attire, eagerly awaiting the commencement of the ceremony. The air was filled with a sense of pride and joy as the tiny graduates, dressed in adorable gowns and mortarboards, entered the stage hand-in-hand with their teachers.

The ceremony unfolded with heartfelt speeches, inspiring performances, and proud moments as each child received their well-deserved certificates and medals. The auditorium echoed with laughter and applause, celebrating the achievements of these young minds. It was a day of celebration and promise, etching lasting memories in the hearts of all who attended the preprimary graduation ceremony.

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